Saturday, November 24, 2012

I hope know one reads this....

I have a facebook page.  Who doesn't by now (except my husband).  At church they tell us we need to keep a journal.  Why?  I think so our kids can read all the mistakes we made in our lives and hopefully learn from them.  So I guess I have always thought that by having a facebook page I was technically "keeping a journal".  I can check that off the long list of church responsibilities, right?  Then I realized the other day, facebook is NOT journaling.  All facebook is is spying on your family, friends and neighbors.  Why not start a blog?  Perfect. I can write and post pictures as I please and not have to worry about saying something dumb, spelling a word wrong or even reading some stupid comment a person who i don't even know, made.  So in my quest of fulfilling another church responsibility, here I go....
That's my family.  Can you actually believe this is the best family picture I have.  There is even one child missing (she refused to get in the picture).  And, to top it off, this picture was taken 3 years ago.  Sad, to say the least, that this was the only good family picture I could find.  I think it is about time for a trip to JC Penny's photo studio.
Yes, I am a mom, to 3 beautiful girls.  Kaitlyn 11, Elissa 10 and Eva 7.  My husband, Andy and I have been married for 14 wonderful years.  I am a stay at home mom.  I have learned to say that with respect from Dr. Laura.  It is amazing to me the looks that you get from people when asked "and what do you do?" followed by the response of  "I stay at home with my kids".  One time in particular, my husband took me to a company dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  The entire party was filled with Washington Mutual employees and their spouses.  I am guessing that everyone was employed.  So when the dreaded question was asked "so Stacey, what do you do?" I kid you not, the group of well educated WaMu employees went into a blank stair.  Not a question or response was said.  I knew at that point that not very many people "do "what I do.  I love being only a mom.  My kids are getting older now but I really do miss the times when they where young and I could take them to places like to the zoo all day.  So, I have learned from Dr. Laura, we stay at home moms need to be proud of who we are and when someone asks "what do you do?" hold your head up high and respond with confidence "I'm a mom".

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