We survived another Christmas season. With three birthdays, Christmas and everything else that goes on during this time of year its no wonder we are exhausted by January 5th....yes I did say three birthdays (Dec 12th, Dec 21st and Jan 4th (not planned of course)). We aren't done yet, though. We have one more special event next Sunday the 13th. Eva, the last of the three girls, will be getting baptised and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are so proud and excited for her. She asked me to give one of the talks. I said to her "but mommy just wants to sit and listen" but when her second choice backed out, I knew I had to step up, bring on the tissues because it is going to be a waterfall.

A new year brings on new resolutions. I am really not one to set resolutions because to me I feel I am setting myself up to fail. Too much pressure in other words. As a family we have been trying to read our scriptures every night. That is a huge accomplishment for us. Kind of sad. With the girls growing up and Kaitlyn in young woman's now, we get daily reminders about reading, so that helps. Me personally, I know what I need to be doing. You know, reading more, praying more, going to the temple more, etc. There is always room for improvement, not just on Jan 1st of every year.
Hopefully this new year brings us better health, that is one thing we are really praying for. Andy has been sick for the last year and a half. He has been out of work for nearly 6 months now. Not knowing what is causing his symptoms is the stressful part. For someone like me who need to know when everything is happening, we are not sure when he will be going back to work or when he will even feel better. I have been praying that we will soon find out what is going on.
I look forward the the future, the past has been good but also very difficult for us. So, bring it on....2013.