Thursday Andy got his new contacts. There is good news and bad news to this. The good news, he can finally see. Bad news, he can hardly open his eyes. His contacts are hard which makes it difficult to even open his eyes. Dr. Richardson numbed his eyes the first day so on the drive home he was like a kid in the candy store. Reading every single sign that we drove by became quickly annoying but I had to laugh at him. Yesterday was a lot more difficult. We got them in but taking them out deemed impossible. I finally had to take them out with the "succor". Needless to say his eyes were very red and irritated.
The reason Dr. Richardson had to numb his eyes was so he could run some more tests on his optic nerve. We didn't think he would be able to do it the same day but he did. I think he could sense our urgency of knowing what is going on. He ran two tests: one that looked through the eye and into the optic nerve and the second, to test his perphial vision. First test went OK. It basically told us what we already knew. His optic nerve in both eyes are "damaged". What that means is it could either be glaucoma or optic neuritis. All we know is that something is wrong. Next test was a lot harder for Andy. While one eye is covered, he had to press a button for every green flash he saw with the uncovered eye. The test took 15 minutes for each eye and after that, he was exhausted. It doesn't take much for him to get dizzy and tired and that test really pushed his limits. He finished and tried to stand up but he nearly fell down. Good thing we were both there to help him to the chair. After a brief break he went over the results with us. From what I understood, everyone has a blind spot but according to this test, Andy's is bigger than normal which confirms what the other test found, damage to the optic nerve.
So, needless to say and what Dr Richardson says, Andy's eyes are goofy. Diagnosing MS is very tricky. There is not one test that diagnosis it. What the doctors do is take all the evidence they have and give you a "you are ms suspicious". So Andy had one more MRI yesterday to check the lesions he already has on his brain. They look to see if there are new ones or if the current ones are changing. If this test comes back abnormal and along with the eye tests it is pretty safe to say that he has MS. But like I said before, doctors hate to diagnose it too early.
As of now, my husband can kind of see. We meet with his neurologist April 30th to go over the MRI results. I hope it is good news. We are long overdue. Good news doesn't necessarily mean good outcomes. Good news can mean something bad like being diagnosed with MS. But for our family, being diagnosed with MS would mean good news. Sounds crazy but it is better than not having a diagnosis at all. We have faith though. Faith that Heavenly Father knows what our plan is. I have realized these trials have been a blessing for us. I don't think if my husband had gotten sick I would have decided to go back to school. I have talked about it in the past but this obstacle has really driven me to do it. Yes, I am going back to school. I actually start on Monday. I am entering the Medical Assistant program at Charter College. Funny, huh? I always liked the medical field. I took a health occupations class in high school and really enjoyed it. But when Kaitlyn was born and had to spend a month in the NICU, I had a lot of time to talk to the nurses. I knew someday I wanted to go back to school to be a nurse. Becoming a MA is my first step. If I eventually wanted to become a nurse, I could, but as of now, this is what's right for myself and our family.
I will let you all know how Andy's apt goes on the 30th. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We can't express how much we appreciate all of them. May Heavenly Father bless each and everyone of you...
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
"Suspicious for MS" That is what we were told today by Andy's neurologist, Dr. Hamburg. Dr. Hamburg has been Andy's doctor from the beginning. Yes, he has been to other neurologist but we feel she has been the only one who has actually tried to help him.
With our visit today, we gave her all the updated information. His eye problems, medications that have not worked and the symptoms that have been getting worse. Her response, lets do another MRI to check on his lesions. "Why" Andy asked trying not to say anything. She very hesitantly responses "to rule out everything, like MS". She said it, the magic words we were hoping she would say. So she is thinking the same thing we are, FINALLY!
So, here is the plan: Andy is going to have another MRI hopefully in the next 2 weeks or sooner, after his contacts come in, he will try those on and Dr. Richardson can check his optic nerve in his eye. Two scenarios we have now, number 1-optic nerve is not inflamed which means no MS and his symptoms could just be caused by his eyes going bad. So that means wearing the contact lens and being treated for Glaucoma. That would be best case. Even Dr. Hamburg believes this could be a possibility. Number 2- MRI comes back with new lesions and the optic nerve is inflamed. This means more than likely it is MS. We are ready for it. Honestly, its a diagnosis, finally, which makes us both happy because we can treat it and hopefully he will begin to feel better. So, there are our two choices. It is going to be either one or the other. It is such a huge relief that we are finally so close.
My husband is happy, believe it or not. Knowing that we have two great doctors that are helping him has brought us a huge comfort. So, hopefully in the next few weeks we have a diagnosis. Thank you to everyone for the support and prayers. It is because of those prayers we have been blessed in finally finding answers.
With our visit today, we gave her all the updated information. His eye problems, medications that have not worked and the symptoms that have been getting worse. Her response, lets do another MRI to check on his lesions. "Why" Andy asked trying not to say anything. She very hesitantly responses "to rule out everything, like MS". She said it, the magic words we were hoping she would say. So she is thinking the same thing we are, FINALLY!
So, here is the plan: Andy is going to have another MRI hopefully in the next 2 weeks or sooner, after his contacts come in, he will try those on and Dr. Richardson can check his optic nerve in his eye. Two scenarios we have now, number 1-optic nerve is not inflamed which means no MS and his symptoms could just be caused by his eyes going bad. So that means wearing the contact lens and being treated for Glaucoma. That would be best case. Even Dr. Hamburg believes this could be a possibility. Number 2- MRI comes back with new lesions and the optic nerve is inflamed. This means more than likely it is MS. We are ready for it. Honestly, its a diagnosis, finally, which makes us both happy because we can treat it and hopefully he will begin to feel better. So, there are our two choices. It is going to be either one or the other. It is such a huge relief that we are finally so close.
My husband is happy, believe it or not. Knowing that we have two great doctors that are helping him has brought us a huge comfort. So, hopefully in the next few weeks we have a diagnosis. Thank you to everyone for the support and prayers. It is because of those prayers we have been blessed in finally finding answers.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
More great news
Andy has been getting worse. I can see it everyday. Now that I know he can't see, I am a lot more attentive to how he is feeling. He went to the doctor last week to see if he has Lyme disease. She told him he doesn't have Lyme or any other infectious disease but that all his symptoms are that of MS....great, we have been down this road before when he did the spinal tap and MRI's and he was told it was not MS. Now, she thinks it could be that? So, now what? It seems like we are running out of diagnosis.
So, he went to the eye doctor today to do more tests on his eyes. Here's what we discovered today: his cornea is very thin which puts him at risk for losing his cornea completely and having to have a cornea transplant; he fitted him for a hard contact which allows him to see but doesn't solve the damage already done; he has glaucoma (enlargement of his optic nerve) in both eyes, something that really can't be fixed; and if his optic nerve is inflamed (something he is going to be tested for next), more than likely he has MS.
One more apt with his neurologist Wednesday will hopefully shed some light on the whole thing. One thing the doctors are hesitant to diagnose is MS because there is no sure test that says you have it or you don't. Hopefully his doctor will see everything that has been going on and not rule it out. My husband is great. His attitude is "if I have it, oh well. At least it is a diagnosis and we can start doing treatment that will hopefully make me feel better." We have both prepared ourselves for this diagnosis and I pray that if it is MS, he will be able to start doing things again once treatment has started.
I love my husband very much and feel very guilty for the way I have treated him in the past. Everything seems very pointless now. Fighting, money problems, not having a job, etc. Health is something you take for granted once it is gone. I hear people complain about things that are so trivial and just want to shake them. Do they not realize what Heavenly Father has given them? They have it all, now just stop complaining.
So, he went to the eye doctor today to do more tests on his eyes. Here's what we discovered today: his cornea is very thin which puts him at risk for losing his cornea completely and having to have a cornea transplant; he fitted him for a hard contact which allows him to see but doesn't solve the damage already done; he has glaucoma (enlargement of his optic nerve) in both eyes, something that really can't be fixed; and if his optic nerve is inflamed (something he is going to be tested for next), more than likely he has MS.
One more apt with his neurologist Wednesday will hopefully shed some light on the whole thing. One thing the doctors are hesitant to diagnose is MS because there is no sure test that says you have it or you don't. Hopefully his doctor will see everything that has been going on and not rule it out. My husband is great. His attitude is "if I have it, oh well. At least it is a diagnosis and we can start doing treatment that will hopefully make me feel better." We have both prepared ourselves for this diagnosis and I pray that if it is MS, he will be able to start doing things again once treatment has started.
I love my husband very much and feel very guilty for the way I have treated him in the past. Everything seems very pointless now. Fighting, money problems, not having a job, etc. Health is something you take for granted once it is gone. I hear people complain about things that are so trivial and just want to shake them. Do they not realize what Heavenly Father has given them? They have it all, now just stop complaining.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
We we went to the doctor today and was hit up side the head with some news. First, Andy almost didn't even make it to the apt. He had a fever last night and this morning and was feeling terrible. But, he mustard up the energy and went.
We saw Bishop Richardson who is an optomitris (eye doctor). We went to see him because apparently they can see if he has a leak in his brain through the optic nerve (it would be swollen). Well, the optic nerve is normal but everything else is not. Andy has been telling me that his eye sight has gotten worse but I didn't realize it was as bad as it is. He could not even read the largest letters with his left eye. More test were done and he hit us with the news, GLAUCOMA. Really?!?. So, Andy's cornea is suppose to be round and it is shaped like a football, he has a astigmatism that tested off the charts that Dr Richardson said he sees in only 1 of 4000 patients, and it looks like he has some optic nerve damage that looks like it is showing the signs of glaucoma.
We could not believe it. Isn't glaucoma for old people not a 39 year old? Then to top it off, he asks us if Andy has been tested for Lyme Disease. I had to laugh (that's what I do when I am nervous). Three times, we told him and considering that we were in Northern California when his symptoms appeared makes things too coincidental. He mentioned to us that all they symptoms he shows suggests Lyme Disease. Lyme tests can give you a false negative. We asked if glaucoma could be caused by Lyme and he wasn't sure. Of course we rushed home to check google and sure enough, it can be.
So here is where we are: doctor's apt next Thursday with infectious disease to double check for Lyme or any other illness, eye doctor apt the following Monday to confirm glaucoma and check the optic nerve, and follow up with neurologist to go over everything.
I'm tired. So is my poor husband. Needless to say, next time he says something is wrong, I won't doubt him.
We saw Bishop Richardson who is an optomitris (eye doctor). We went to see him because apparently they can see if he has a leak in his brain through the optic nerve (it would be swollen). Well, the optic nerve is normal but everything else is not. Andy has been telling me that his eye sight has gotten worse but I didn't realize it was as bad as it is. He could not even read the largest letters with his left eye. More test were done and he hit us with the news, GLAUCOMA. Really?!?. So, Andy's cornea is suppose to be round and it is shaped like a football, he has a astigmatism that tested off the charts that Dr Richardson said he sees in only 1 of 4000 patients, and it looks like he has some optic nerve damage that looks like it is showing the signs of glaucoma.
We could not believe it. Isn't glaucoma for old people not a 39 year old? Then to top it off, he asks us if Andy has been tested for Lyme Disease. I had to laugh (that's what I do when I am nervous). Three times, we told him and considering that we were in Northern California when his symptoms appeared makes things too coincidental. He mentioned to us that all they symptoms he shows suggests Lyme Disease. Lyme tests can give you a false negative. We asked if glaucoma could be caused by Lyme and he wasn't sure. Of course we rushed home to check google and sure enough, it can be.
So here is where we are: doctor's apt next Thursday with infectious disease to double check for Lyme or any other illness, eye doctor apt the following Monday to confirm glaucoma and check the optic nerve, and follow up with neurologist to go over everything.
I'm tired. So is my poor husband. Needless to say, next time he says something is wrong, I won't doubt him.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Frustration is setting in...
It has been nearly 1 year and 9 months since Andy came home from work complaining of a head ache. My husband is sick. With what? That we don't know the answer to that yet. You name it and he has had it done. 2 MRI's, spinal tap, CT scan, chiropractic adjustments, shots in the back of his neck, vestibular therapy, every medicine you can think of, and countless visits to the "best doctors". Our local pharmacist and phlebotomist knows us by name. That is what we have been up to.
Needless to say, frustration is setting in. What do you do when even the doctors are stumped? Who do you believe? My poor husband is not only frustrated but I sense loosing hope. Not only is he not working but he pretty much can't do anything that might raise his blood pressure which causes him to get dizzy.
He has yet another appointment this Thursday but I hate to get my hopes up (be there, done that). What do you when your spouse is sick? I have done it all. Gotten mad, become hopeful, shown sympathy, even given up myself.
Although, I feel the blessings. We had a ward fast this last Sunday for Andy and 2 other men in the ward who are going through medical challenges themselves. I know the spirit is strong in our ward. I feel a sense of peace knowing that we have so many family and friends praying for us. Our prayers will be answered and what ever we discover I know we are ready to deal with it.
So, we keep moving on. Everyday is different in our house but if we keep the Spirit alive, we will overcome this.
Needless to say, frustration is setting in. What do you do when even the doctors are stumped? Who do you believe? My poor husband is not only frustrated but I sense loosing hope. Not only is he not working but he pretty much can't do anything that might raise his blood pressure which causes him to get dizzy.
He has yet another appointment this Thursday but I hate to get my hopes up (be there, done that). What do you when your spouse is sick? I have done it all. Gotten mad, become hopeful, shown sympathy, even given up myself.
Although, I feel the blessings. We had a ward fast this last Sunday for Andy and 2 other men in the ward who are going through medical challenges themselves. I know the spirit is strong in our ward. I feel a sense of peace knowing that we have so many family and friends praying for us. Our prayers will be answered and what ever we discover I know we are ready to deal with it.
So, we keep moving on. Everyday is different in our house but if we keep the Spirit alive, we will overcome this.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Bring it on...2013!!!
We survived another Christmas season. With three birthdays, Christmas and everything else that goes on during this time of year its no wonder we are exhausted by January 5th....yes I did say three birthdays (Dec 12th, Dec 21st and Jan 4th (not planned of course)). We aren't done yet, though. We have one more special event next Sunday the 13th. Eva, the last of the three girls, will be getting baptised and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are so proud and excited for her. She asked me to give one of the talks. I said to her "but mommy just wants to sit and listen" but when her second choice backed out, I knew I had to step up, bring on the tissues because it is going to be a waterfall.
A new year brings on new resolutions. I am really not one to set resolutions because to me I feel I am setting myself up to fail. Too much pressure in other words. As a family we have been trying to read our scriptures every night. That is a huge accomplishment for us. Kind of sad. With the girls growing up and Kaitlyn in young woman's now, we get daily reminders about reading, so that helps. Me personally, I know what I need to be doing. You know, reading more, praying more, going to the temple more, etc. There is always room for improvement, not just on Jan 1st of every year.
Hopefully this new year brings us better health, that is one thing we are really praying for. Andy has been sick for the last year and a half. He has been out of work for nearly 6 months now. Not knowing what is causing his symptoms is the stressful part. For someone like me who need to know when everything is happening, we are not sure when he will be going back to work or when he will even feel better. I have been praying that we will soon find out what is going on.
I look forward the the future, the past has been good but also very difficult for us. So, bring it on....2013.
Hopefully this new year brings us better health, that is one thing we are really praying for. Andy has been sick for the last year and a half. He has been out of work for nearly 6 months now. Not knowing what is causing his symptoms is the stressful part. For someone like me who need to know when everything is happening, we are not sure when he will be going back to work or when he will even feel better. I have been praying that we will soon find out what is going on.
I look forward the the future, the past has been good but also very difficult for us. So, bring it on....2013.
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